

In 2005, Intel will continue to develop vigorously in the notebook market. Today the foreign media has prematurely exposed the latest issue of Intel's notebook processor development blueprint, a development plan that covers the first half of 2005 to the first half of 2006, containing new information regarding Intel's processors.

Product Category

2005 First Half (of a Year)

2005 Last-Half Year

2006 First Half (of a Year)

High-End Performance Market

Pentium M Dothan 533, 2MB L2
770 (2.13Ghz)

780 (2.26Ghz)

Pentium M Yonah-2M 667, 2MB L2
x50 (2.xGhz)

Mainstream Market

760 (2.0Ghz)
750 (1.86Ghz)
740 (1.73Ghz)
730 (1.6Ghz)

770 (2.13Ghz)
760 (2.0Ghz)
750 (1.86Ghz)
740 (1.73Ghz)


Low-End, Cheap Market

Celeron M Dothan 400, 1MB L2
370 (1.5Ghz)
360 (1.4Ghz)
350 (1.3Ghz)

390 (1.7Ghz)
380 (1.6Ghz)
370 (1.5Ghz)
360 (1.4Ghz)

Celeron M Yonah-1M, 1MB L2
